What every concerned American ought to know before the next crisis strikes...

And 52 skills you'll wish you had when it does

By Jay Jensen
Co-founder & Publisher of
The XPrepper Alliance

My fellow American,

You've seen the news. You know it's coming...

Sooner or later, the next American crisis — a natural disaster, some kind of man made chaos, or a simple electricity blackout — will bring chaos to your community, but don't be scared, get prepared.

The truth is, there's little you can do to prevent the next crisis, but there's a lot you can do to get ready. And I've got the perfect library to help you do just that — to give you the skills and abilities you'll need to survive, to deliver you ideas and ways to be as comfortable as possible in a crisis, and to stay cool and thrive while the world catches fire.

If you don't know how... how to protect yourself, the people you love, and your possessions — how to survive by being ready for the worst, protected from violence, and prepared to prosper... you're in for a hard time when the SHTF...

Introducing... The XPrepper Video Training Library

In your XPrepper Training Library, you get over one hundred VIDEO tutorials, from experts all over the United States and the world. These videos give you the know-how to deal with horrifying circumstances... teach you to master talents and skills that make a new way of life easier to handle... and show you trades and crafts to increase your state of readiness for almost any disaster.

Even if you were raised by wolves, you still need your XPrepper Training Library, so you can thrive when things get wild. At a steady pace, you get a grasp of 52 vital skills, shown to you step-by-step, because none of us were born knowing how to:

Here's how your XPrepper Training Library is worth at least $745 to your family and prepares you for the worst of circumstances...

You can watch and download every video in your XPrepper Training Library and keep them forever. Each of the 52 categories in your training center has 2 to 7 videos -- that’s more than 150 tutorials -- and we'll be adding to each category regularly.

Each video has the potential to save your life, the lives of your loved ones, or at the very least make all of you more comfortable and secure in the years ahead...

Would you pay at least $5 for each of the skills you've read about so far? To save your family from wild animal attacks? To keep your family from getting poisoned? To be able to make your own clothes and soap and water?

Your XPrepper Training Library is easily worth $745 when you consider what you'll be able to do once you absorb all the skills and abilities your training center holds. And don't forget...

The SHTF we all prep for will make most people scared and desperate. And desperate people do things that make decent people, people like you and me, shudder.

Unspeakable things…

I don't want those things to happen to you or your family.

Your XPrepper Training Library holds the plans you need when the next American crisis — a natural disaster, some kind of man made chaos, or a simple electricity blackout — brings chaos to your community.

While others go without power, medical care, and food, you will:

These are the kind of secrets you'll wish for when you can't turn to Google, grocery stores or Wal-Mart for what you need to know and have and eat

Your XPrepper Training Library gives you a solid understanding of how to survive, make a living, and thrive, during a time when you can't turn to Google, grocery stores, or Wal-Mart for what you need to know and have and eat.

Your XPrepper Training Library spells out in clear, everyday language, free of technical jargon, lessons and trainings and teachings on how to...

And you get so much more in your XPrepper Training Library... like lessons on seeds, sewing, security, sanitation, swimming, transportation, weather, hygiene and more.

You have a one-stop place you can use to learn to...

And it doesn't end there. Inside your XPrepper Training Library, you get action steps to help you with homesteading, firearms, navigation, even psychological training tips. You'll be able to...

This is the best investment you can make today... And here's how I'll DOUBLE it's value if you take our 90-day risk-free trial for just $1

The best investment you can make is in yourself! Your skills. Your knowledge. Your survival. Your ability to prosper in the midst of danger like you’ve never seen on the evening news.

I'll DOUBLE the value of your investment right now by giving you my Survival Hacks PDF Library absolutely free, with no strings attached.

Your Survival Hacks PDF Library gives you over 200 guides, including tips and techniques from the world's best survival experts, soldiers, and folks who have survived for days, weeks, months, even years in the wild... all downloadable in PDF or DOC formats.

Whether you want detailed instructions for:

  • 72 Hour Kits
  • Alternative Energy
  • Animals
  • Bartering
  • Bug-Out Bags
  • Checklists
  • Communications
  • Defense
  • Dental
  • Emergency Response
  • EMP
  • Fire
  • Firearms
  • First Aid
  • Food
  • Health
  • Hygiene
  • Insects
  • Medical & Medicine
  • Navigation
  • Shelter
  • Signaling
  • Water
  • Weapons

Plus a whole lot more...

Your Survival Hacks PDF Library has you covered because it is filled with vital information that can give you a winning edge in almost any dangerous circumstance.

Why is that important?

History tells us what happens when we're caught in a bind and don't have instant access to information. It's best you download all of these guides when they’re available and have them available as backups on your computer, phone or flash drive, especially if you don't have access to the Internet.

I've collected these guides over the years, some from services costing $100 per month. But you can get them all today for free, and you won't risk a penny because you've got my...

How to instantly download your copy of The XPrepper Premium Package risk-free for the next 3 months!

How to instantly download your copy of The XPrepper Premium Package risk-free for the next 90 days, and get your Tactical Surveillance System absolutely free!

Take advantage of my "BEST Value" XPrepper Premium Package now! Get everything you’ve heard about today without risking a penny for 90 days. This opportunity may expire at any time and for any reason.

Don't delay another second...

Click on the Add To Cart button now and get The XPrepper System AUDIO Edition, a $47 value, and I’ll include the PDF manual, a $17 value, at no extra charge.

Try your copy now and I’ll also give you my “Emergency Checklist & Planner, FAMILY Edition” in PDF form. Print this planner and see at-a-glance how you’ll be instantly more prepared to handle disasters and chaos when they come your way.

You'll have all your emergency contacts, doctor and pharmacy and vet information, evacuation to-dos, family meeting places, escape plans, checklists, vehicle info and more, all in one place! Let my Planner make you as prepared as I am to handle whatever situation comes my way. This is a real $9.95 value, yours at no extra charge today.

There's more.

Throughout human history, we have fought over one resource more than any other. This resource isn't gold, gasoline, food, or guns. Without this resource, you will die in as little as 3 days. Other than air, this is the most important resource on the face of the earth.

You may have guessed it...

I'm talking about WATER!

Water will be the single most important resource you can have. You'll be able to use it as currency. You'll able to cook, clean, and bathe with it. You can't go long without it. Especially during a crisis...

Remember, you won't be sitting on the couch, watching tv. You'll be outside working most of the day. Your body will use more water than ever before. That goes for every member of your family.

Water helps you stay clear-headed and make good decisions... vital when those decisions lead to life or death. Going without water is a death sentence, and I won't allow that to happen to you.

As a special gift, if you try The XPrepper System right now, you get a copy of the XPrepper Advanced Water Survival System, a $27 value, yours absolutely free, no strings attached!

When water plants go offline, almost all the water in your town will become contaminated. Drinking it will expose you to E. coli, Giardia, Typhoid, and other viruses...

You won't be able to get bottled water.

When you use your free copy of XPrepper Advanced Water Survival System, (which is a PDF ebook and audio mp3) you’ll see how to make enough fresh water for your family… how to make thousands of gallons of water when you need to… and you’ll never worry about running out. You’ll learn how to start saving water before disaster strikes too, plus...

  • How to know if water is safe to drink
  • How a towel and stove can turn filthy brown water into clean drinking water
  • 1 item you probably already own that can make an almost unlimited supply of water
  • How to use the sun to disinfect water when you have no power or heat source
  • The best water filters for long-term use. These filters work for years
  • The best filter for your money

Other people sell similar information for as much as $27.

Today, however, you get your own copy of the XPrepper Advanced Water Survival System at NO extra cost. It’s yours free if you take the 3-month risk-free trial of The XPrepper Premium Package today.

There's still more.

If you won't delay another second, as another special gift, I'll throw in my audio mp3 and PDF ebook The XPrepper Survival Seed Guide, a $19.95 value, yours at absolutely no extra cost, no strings attached. Why do you want this?

Because soon you won’t be able to trade money for food. And there are only two other ways to get food, which you’ll learn about in The XPrepper Survival Seed Guide. You’ll feel less stressed when it comes to feeding your family, even before the U.S. Dollar collapses.

You’ll be able to have a nutritious diet and keep your immune system strong, while thousands, maybe millions of others are starving to death. You won’t be helpless. You won’t have to resort to crime to get food.

But don’t go running to the store to buy seeds.

You need to know:

  • How to grow your own food... food you and your children will want to eat... with as little stress and frustration as possible
  • 15 most-easy-to-grow vegetables
  • Seeds to buy if you want to harvest from them more than once
  • 4 types of vegetable seeds
  • Seeds most likely to adapt to your local growing environment
  • What makes a seed truly an heirloom?
  • How to grow up to 10 times more vegetables in half the time
  • Two places I never buy seeds from
  • Why organic doesn't always mean organic

And there’s much more waiting for you in your copy of The XPrepper Survival Seed Guide, a $19.95 value, yours free just for taking the 3-month risk-free trial for The XPrepper Premium Package today.

Here’s why you won’t risk a penny for 90 days… a full three months. Because you also get my...

3-Month Unconditional
100% Money-Back
"American Hero" Guarantee

I can imagine you are here, not for yourself, but for the people you love. The people you want to live and thrive no matter what happens in the world. I respect that because I feel the same way about my wife and our future children. So I simply will not allow you to risk one red cent for the next 90 days...

Download the XPrepper Premium Package today, get all the extra gifts I’ve already told you about, and you can keep everything even if you refund. At any time, for any reason, you can email me at support@xprepper.com in the next 3 months for a full, fast refund.

I can only afford to make this promise to you because I already know what you’ll be getting, how you’ll instantly feel safer, more secure, more equipped to take on the whole world on behalf of your family and friends.

1) You MUST agree the information, secrets, and wisdom inside The XPrepper System is worth every penny of the asking price...

2) You MUST be fully equipped to become the hero in your family, the one who ensures they stay fed, alive, and sheltered during the coming chaos sure to strike the U.S.A...

3) You MUST feel more armed, more confident you can survive and even thrive when if the U.S. Dollar collapses...

Otherwise I won't allow you to pay me a penny.

I’m putting all the risk on my shoulders today. And I’ll take an even greater risk because for a very limited time...

INSANE! Keep everything you get today even if you refund!

Remember, if you try The XPrepper System today, I’ll send you TWO credit-card sized fresnel lenses at no extra charge.

What’s INSANE is... you can keep them even if you refund. It’s just another way I want to show you how confident I am you’ll love The XPrepper System. So don’t delay another second. This offer may expire at any time for any reason. Say YES now… you risk absolutely nothing...

Yes, Jay! I want to protect myself from the coming economic chaos, sure to happen when during the next American crisis. Send me The XPrepper System, my fresnel lens and my surveillance system so I can arm myself with the wisdom I'll need to persevere, survive, and thrive during the toughest time this country has ever seen.

Please select your preferred option:

Option 1:

Your "BEST Value" XPrepper Premium Package, Plus 7 Gifts FREE!

-- A risk-free 3 months trial of The XPrepper System, plus 7 extra gifts for a total value of $197.80... all yours today for only $47... you save $150.80 now!

Send a one-time payment of only $47 now and save $150.80... You instantly get...

  1. The XPrepper System Audio Edition
    Digital Mp3 Collection -- $47.00
  2. The XPrepper System Ebook Edition
    Digital PDF -- $17.00
  3. Advanced Water Survival Guide
    Digital Mp3 & PDF -- $26.95
  4. Survival Seed Guide Guide
    Digital Mp3 & PDF -- $19.95
  5. Emergency Checklist & Planner
    Digital PDF -- $9.99
  6. FAST RESPONSE: Basic Defensive Firearms Guide
    Digital Mp3 & PDF -- $19.95
  7. LIMITED TIME: TWO Fresnel Lenses
    Shipped to your door -- $10.00
  8. PREMIUM BONUS: Tactical Surveillance System
    Shipped to your door -- $47.00
  • The XPrepper System Audio Edition (mp3s) -- $47

  • The XPrepper System Ebook Edition (pdf) -- $17

  • Advanced Water Survival Guide (mp3, pdf) -- $26.95

  • Survival Seed Guide Guide (mp3, pdf) -- $19.95

  • Emergency Checklist & Planner (pdf) $9.99

  • FAST RESPONSE: Basic Defensive Firearms Guide (mp3, pdf) -- $19.95

  • LIMITED TIME: TWO Fresnel Lenses (shipped to your door) -- $10.00

  • JUST FOR YOU: Tactical Surveillance (shipped to your door) -- $47.00

add to cart

Try The XPrepper System, Plus 7 Gifts Now -- $47

100% GUARANTEED: You get my 3-month Unconditional 100% Money-back “American Hero” Guarantee, so you can test this package and still get 100% of your money back any time in the next 90 days for ANY reason… AND keep what you get forever. Even the fresnel lenses & tactical surveillance system! You don’t have to mail them back. All the risk is on me.

Or, Option 2:

Your "GOOD Deal" XPrepper System, Plus 3 Gifts FREE!

-- A risk-free 3 months trial of The XPrepper System, plus 3 extra gifts for a total value of $56.94... all yours today for only $17... you save $39.94 now!

Send a one-time payment of only $17 now and save $39.94... You instantly get...

  1. The XPrepper System Ebook Edition
    Digital PDF -- $17.00
  2. Emergency Checklist & Planner
    Digital PDF -- $9.99
  3. FAST RESPONSE: Basic Defensive Firearms Guide
    Digital Mp3 & PDF -- $19.95
  4. LIMITED TIME: TWO Fresnel Lenses
    Shipped to your door -- $10.00
  • The XPrepper System Ebook Edition (pdf) -- $17

  • Emergency Checklist & Planner (pdf) $9.99

  • FAST RESPONSE: Basic Defensive Firearms Guide (mp3, pdf) -- $19.95

  • LIMITED TIME: TWO Fresnel Lenses (shipped to your door) -- $10.00

add to cart

Try The XPrepper System, Plus 3 Gifts Now -- $17

100% GUARANTEED: You get my 3-month Unconditional 100% Money-back “American Hero” Guarantee, so you can test this package and still get 100% of your money back any time in the next 90 days for ANY reason… AND keep what you get forever. Even the fresnel lenses! You don’t have to mail them back. All the risk is on me.

Yes, Jay! I want to protect myself from the coming chaos, sure to happen during the next American crisis. Send me The XPrepper System and my fresnel lenses so I can arm myself with the wisdom I'll need to persevere, survive, and thrive during the toughest time this country has ever seen.

Please select your preferred option:

Option 1:

Your "BEST Value" XPrepper Premium Package, Plus 6 Gifts FREE!

-- A risk-free 3 months trial of The XPrepper System, plus 6 extra gifts for a total value of $150.84... all yours today for only $27... you save $123.84 now!

Send a one-time payment of only $27 now and save $123.84... You instantly get...

  1. The XPrepper System Audio Edition
    Digital Mp3 Collection -- $47.00
  2. The XPrepper System Ebook Edition
    Digital PDF -- $17.00
  3. Advanced Water Survival Guide
    Digital Mp3 & PDF -- $26.95
  4. Survival Seed Guide Guide
    Digital Mp3 & PDF -- $19.95
  5. Emergency Checklist & Planner
    Digital PDF -- $9.99
  6. FAST RESPONSE: Basic Defensive Firearms Guide
    Digital Mp3 & PDF -- $19.95
  7. LIMITED TIME: TWO Fresnel Lenses
    Shipped to your door -- $10.00
  • The XPrepper System Audio Edition (mp3s) -- $47

  • The XPrepper System Ebook Edition (pdf) -- $17

  • Advanced Water Survival Guide (mp3, pdf) -- $26.95

  • Survival Seed Guide Guide (mp3, pdf) -- $19.95

  • Emergency Checklist & Planner (pdf) $9.99

  • FAST RESPONSE: Basic Defensive Firearms Guide (mp3, pdf) -- $19.95

  • LIMITED TIME: TWO Fresnel Lenses (shipped to your door) -- $10.00

  • JUST FOR YOU: Tactical Surveillance (shipped to your door) -- $47.00

add to cart

100% GUARANTEED: You get my 3-month Unconditional 100% Money-back “American Hero” Guarantee, so you can test this package and still get 100% of your money back any time in the next 90 days for ANY reason… AND keep what you get forever. Even the fresnel lenses! You don’t have to mail them back. All the risk is on me.


Option 2:

Your "GOOD Deal" XPrepper System, Plus 3 Gifts FREE!

-- A risk-free 3 months trial of The XPrepper System, plus 3 extra gifts for a total value of $56.94... all yours today for only $17... you save $39.94 now!

Send a one-time payment of only $17 now and save $39.94... You instantly get...

  1. The XPrepper System Ebook Edition
    Digital PDF -- $17.00
  2. Emergency Checklist & Planner
    Digital PDF -- $9.99
  3. FAST RESPONSE: Basic Defensive Firearms Guide
    Digital Mp3 & PDF -- $19.95
  4. LIMITED TIME: TWO Fresnel Lenses
    Shipped to your door -- $10.00
  • The XPrepper System Ebook Edition (pdf) -- $17

  • Emergency Checklist & Planner (pdf) $9.99

  • FAST RESPONSE: Basic Defensive Firearms Guide (mp3, pdf) -- $19.95

  • LIMITED TIME: TWO Fresnel Lenses (shipped to your door) -- $10.00

add to cart

100% GUARANTEED: You get my 3-month Unconditional 100% Money-back “American Hero” Guarantee, so you can test this package and still get 100% of your money back any time in the next 90 days for ANY reason… AND keep what you get forever. Even the fresnel lenses! You don’t have to mail them back. All the risk is on me.

Thank you for reading my letter.


Jay Jensen
Co-Founder and Publisher of
The XPrepper Alliance
770 S 13th ST #6435
Boise, ID 83707

P.S. Say YES in the next 10 minutes and I’ll give you another gift that will increase the odds you and your family can survive one of the most common disasters taking place in the United States every single day. What’s this gift? I’m glad you asked...

Download your copy of The XPrepper System now and I’ll include a copy of my Basic Defensive Firearms Guide (audio mp3 and PDF ebook included), a $19.95 value, yours absolutely free at no extra charge. Why?

According to the FBI, every 13 seconds in the United States, a home is robbed. Some of these crooks are drug addicts, simply looking for a quick score of cash so they can get their next fix. Depending on their drug of choice, they may be willing to do just about anything to get their next high.

If a criminal wants to come into your home, an alarm system won't stop him. Your front door won't stop him either. Most doors can be broken into with one strong kick.

According to the New York Times, the average police response time to a home alarm is 20 to 40 minutes. Best case scenario, you're still looking at 10 minutes before the police show up. What can an armed thief do in 10 minutes?

What are you going to do when streets are filled with looters, when riots happen on a daily basis, when scumbags think they have the right to enter your home and take what's yours?

That's why in your absolutely free copy of my Basic Defensive Firearms Guide, you'll find out why you need to be the Protector, the Hunter, and the Defender, and also learn:

Other people sell similar guides for as much as $39. Get yours FREE today for trying The XPrepper System in the next 10 minutes… you can keep your copy forever, no strings attached, even if you refund.

P.P.S. Take advantage of this opportunity now and get the power to start a fire anywhere, anytime the sun is shining, without needing matches or a lighter. Try The XPrepper System today and I’ll ship TWO fresnel lenses right to your door. You can keep them even if you get a refund! But don’t wait around.

This offer may expire anytime and absolutely expires on DATE.